Goalie Army Academy Returns to the WEHL
We’re extremely pleased to announce that due to popular demand and many great reviews from our students and their parents, Goalie Army Academy will be supplying another year of goalie conditioning, goalie evaluations, and great goalie training to the West End Hockey League‘s goaltenders throughout the upcoming 2015-16 hockey season.
New in our 3rd year of our partnership with the WEHL, Goalie Army Academy will be going from a biweekly goalie training schedule, to a weekly goalie training schedule to ensure that all of the WEHL’s goaltender participants may take advantage of this free training offer as much as possible throughout the hockey season.
Also new this season, Goalie Army Academy will be implementing areas of our Goaltender-Specific Power Skating programs on a weekly basis to ensure that the WEHL’s goaltenders understand the true importance of efficiency through Goalie Army Academy’s R3E System.
In addition to amending the goalie training schedule so that goaltenders are receiving the training which they and their parents have stressed that they need, we will be supplying the WEHL with helpful article and video content regularly to ensure that young goaltenders are developing as much as possible on and off of the ice.
Schedules for Goalie Army Academy’s upcoming goalie training sessions have not yet been posted. However, more information about the extension of Goalie Army Academy’s partnership with the WEHL may be found here.
For additional information about Goalie Army Academy’s programs and services, please contact us.
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