2015-16 Goalie Training Announcement
Feedback from our clients regarding our goalie training programs is extremely important to us at Goalie Army Academy. So when our clients explained that they wanted goalie training to become more accessible after last season, we listened!
Starting in October 2015, Goalie Army Academy will offer our Academy Clinic goalie training to students of all ages on a weekly basis. Doing so will allow us to provide them with an enhanced progressive development plan which covers all of the bases.
Whether new to our goalie training programs, or a returning student, each session will provide participants with game situation exercises, while allowing plenty of time for theory discussions and demonstrations. Doing so will allow us to expand each goaltender’s understanding of Goalie Army Academy’s R3E System, while applying effective techniques which allow goaltenders to simplify their game, and therefore, stop more pucks.
Rather than promoting the ability to pepper our students with rubber during our Academy Clinic goalie training sessions, what makes Goalie Army Academy different is that we include a number of Goaltender-Specific Power Skating and visualization elements within each exercise while providing students with positive feedback and motivational coaching. Providing goaltenders with true game situations instead of more shots will enable them to become more effective with their timing and positioning when executing in-crease movements. Turning the goaltender’s attention to becoming more efficient during each goalie training session will aid in their ability to keep up with the speed of the puck in game situations, resulting in better balance, stability, agility, power, and the ability to be ready to react to shots effectively instead of reaching for pucks due to having fallen out of position.
Interested in learning more about our upcoming Academy Clinic goalie training? Check out this season’s Academy Clinic program options to reserve your spot within our program.
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