Off-Ice Goalie Training Video Content Is Coming
On-ice goalie training, and attending various goalie schools or goalie camps throughout the off-season can prove costly for many families. Therefore, Goalie Army Academy has developed a partnership which is sure to take any athlete’s game to the next level.
This July, Goalie Army Academy is pleased to announce a partnership with Adam Bracken of The Fitness Lab in order to supply our students with additional goalie training options to assist with attaining their off-season objectives, while improving their range of mobility, and overall game.
Throughout the summer, we will be filming off-ice exercises which students, coaches, parents, and associations may access for free. These various goalie training segments will be launched as soon as possible to ensure that our students are making the most of their off-ice workouts to be fully prepared for the upcoming season.
About Adam Bracken
Adam has a long history of dedication to his industry and we couldn’t be happier to be working with him. He attended St. Lawrence College in Kingston, and received his Fitness and Health Promotion diploma as well as his CSEP-CPT (Canadian Society of Exercise and Physiology- Certified Personal Trainer). Over the last 9 years he has worked with numerous clients and professional athletes around the city to help them achieve their goals. He specializes in athletic training and has worked with athletes in a variety of different sports and leagues such as the CFL, OHL, NCAA, ECHL, AHL, and NHL
Upcoming Video Content
Seems like just a teaser right? Here’s a list of some of the topics we will be covering with Adam at the Fitness Lab which can be implemented into any off-ice goalie training workout plan:
- Why mobility is better than flexibility
- Avoiding the snap back of the glove & building puck absorption/retention
- Maximizing explosive power for cross-crease movement
- Maximizing top-of-net coverage
- Increasing range of motion for the glove
- Increasing range of motion for the blocker
- Preventing groin injuries
- Preventing hip injuries
- Faster butterfly to ready stance position recoveries
- …and MANY more
Goalie Army Academy is extremely excited to begin this new partnership with Adam Bracken of The Fitness Lab to assist our students with their goalie training and ongoing physical development. Please check out Adam Bracken and The Fitness Lab’s beautiful brand new facility. We’re sure that you’ll be happy that you did.
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