2017 Off-Season Goalie Training
Our 2017 off-season goalie training program schedule is finally here with programs which have been designed to help you develop to ensure your peak performance at tryouts for the upcoming hockey season.
March – Maintenance Program
Our first program will run throughout the playoffs, and beginning of the off-season. This Maintenance Program, will offer technical and tactical coaching in order to further develop great habits for students within a goalie clinic and goaltender-specific power skating goalie training environment.
By combining these two necessary goalie training elements, goaltenders who are still taking part in the playoffs are able to tweak and refine becoming increasingly effective during their games.
Perfect for students looking to receive additional goalie training at the end of their playoff season, this program will help them to get a head start on the competition for next season.
NOVICE – ATOM: 9 Sessions for $225 + HST (or $30 + HST per hour)
5 Weekly Wednesday sessions at 7:15 PM
March 1st to March 29th
4 Weekly Monday sessions at 7:15 PM
March 6th to March 27th
PEEWEE – BANTAM – MIDGET: 9 Sessions for $450 + HST (or $55 + HST per hour)
5 Weekly Wednesday sessions at 8:15 PM
March 1st to March 29th
4 Weekly Monday sessions at 8:15 PM
March 6th to March 27th
Require more information or wish to register for this program? Contact us.
April – Goaltender-Specific Power Skating
Facing a lot of shots doesn’t make quality goaltenders. Being capable of being in the right position at the right time to stop them with ease does.
You’ve heard it before, “the goalie has to be the best skater on the ice” and we couldn’t agree more. Therefore, we offer a complete goalie training development program to our students. By placing emphasis on in-crease movement for in-game scenarios and implementing Goalie Army Academy’s R3E System, we ensure that goalies develop their skating, sliding, and recovery abilities by working on all of the little things.
This “necessary evil” of goalie training is a must for goalies who want to take their game to the next level. Learn more about our Goaltender-Specific Power Skating program here.
NOVICE – ATOM: 7 Sessions for $175 + HST (or $30 + HST per hour)
Friday, April 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th at 6:15 PM
Sunday, April 9th, 16th, & 23rd at 6:15 PM
PEEWEE – BANTAM – MIDGET: 7 Sessions for $350 + HST (or $55 + HST per hour)
Friday, April 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th at 7:15 PM
Sunday, April 9th, 16th, & 23rd at 7:15 PM
Require more information or wish to register for this program? Contact us.
May to June – Spring Program
Students will add to their understanding of on-ice theory, while effectively applying Goalie Army Academy’s R3E System. Educated by our trained coaches, students will benefit from in-depth theory and expanded understanding of game situations while learning of the potential threats which they will face during games.
Challenged with plenty of high-tempo in-crease game situation exercises, while combining our Goaltender-Specific Power Skating training, we’re sure that this goalie training program will drastically aid in every goaltender’s development to better prepare them for their upcoming hockey season.
With a total of 7 goalie training sessions, our coaches will provide students with a thorough development plan with plenty of positive feedback and motivational coaching.
NOVICE – ATOM: 7 Sessions for $175 + HST (or $30 + HST per hour)
Saturdays May 6th – June 17th (12:15 PM)
PEEWEE – BANTAM – MIDGET: 7 Sessions for $350 + HST (or $55 + HST per hour)
Saturdays May 6th – June 17th (1:15 PM)
Require more information or wish to register for this program? Contact us.
July – Summer Program
This goalie training program has it all & is sure to help goalies to minimize their gaps and increase their understanding of how each of their actions causes a reaction.
Combining the Goaltender-Specific Power Skating (Sundays), and the Academy Clinic (Mondays) programs will allow goaltenders to progressively and effectively develop from one training session to the next. By taking what they’ve learned from each of their Goaltender-Specific Power Skating sessions, students will build on their overall skating, positioning, sliding, and recovery abilities, then apply them to each of the Academy Clinic sessions to become more effective in their position.
Plenty of positive and motivational coaching during each training session will provide students with an effective and fun learning environment, while ensuring that students are continuously engaged with physically challenging exercises.
NOVICE – ATOM: 6 Sessions for $150 + HST (or $30 per hour)
Sundays July 2nd to 16th (1:15 PM)
Mondays July 3rd to 17th (7:15 PM)
PEEWEE – BANTAM – MIDGET: 6 Sessions for $330 + HST (or $60 per hour)
Sundays July 2nd to 16th (2:15 PM)
Mondays July 3rd to 17th (8:15 PM)
Require more information or wish to register for this program? Contact us.
August – Pre-Season Conditioning Program
Our Pre-Season Conditioning program will ensure that goalies receive plenty of on-ice, high-tempo goalie training to get them into tryout form. Impress coaches during evaluations and team selections to the best of your ability this season the moment you step onto the ice by being at the top of your physical game.
Taking our most intense on-ice exercises from our Goaltender-Specific Power Skating and Academy Clinic programs and combining them, will ensure that our students receive an intense workout to help them be at the top of their game once they take the ice for their tryouts.
Students will receive plenty of in-crease activity with shots from competitive-level shooters that are determined to help goalies to achieve their goals for the upcoming season. Due to the physically demanding nature of this goalie training program while integrating positive and motivational coaching from our staff, participants of this program will leave their training sessions confident in their abilities, and ready to compete.
NOVICE – ATOM: 13 Sessions for $390 + HST (or $35 per hour)
Friday, August 4th at 7:15 PM
Saturday, August 5th at 12:15 PM
Sunday, August 6th at 1:15 PM
Tuesday, August 8th at 7:15 PM
Wednesday, August 9th at 7:15 PM
Friday, August 11th at 7:15 PM
Saturday, August 12th at 12:15 PM
Sunday, August 13th at 1:15 PM
Monday, August 14th at 7:15 PM
Wednesday, August 16th at 7:15 PM
Friday, August 18th at 7:15 PM
Saturday, August 19th at 12:15 PM
Sunday, August 20th at 12:15 PM
PEEWEE – BANTAM – MIDGET: 13 Sessions for $715 + HST (or $60 per hour)
Friday, August 4th at 8:15 PM
Saturday, August 5th at 1:15 PM
Sunday, August 6th at 2:15 PM
Tuesday, August 8th at 8:15 PM
Wednesday, August 9th at 8:15 PM
Friday, August 11th at 8:15 PM
Saturday, August 12th at 1:15 PM
Sunday, August 13th at 2:15 PM
Monday, August 14th at 8:15 PM
Wednesday, August 16th at 8:15 PM
Friday, August 18th at 8:15 PM
Saturday, August 19th at 1:15 PM
Sunday, August 20th at 1:15 PM
Require more information or wish to register for this program? Contact us.
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