Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex located at 1490 Youville Drive Orleans, ON K1C 2X8
Ice Time
Students receive 3 hours of on-ice development per day including an hour of goaltender-specific power skating, and an hour of game situations featuring shots from engaged, high-level shooters, puck handling and puck playing exercises.
All on-ice development is led by GAA’s Lead Instructor, Rick Besharah, and delivered with the assistance of GAA coaches, demonstrators, and shooters.
Off-Ice Physical Training
Students will benefit from a combination of yoga, and boot camp training throughout the week for their off-ice segment.
Classroom, Theory and Video
Understanding the What’s, Where’s, When’s, Why’s and How’s is essential to the ongoing development of goaltenders. Each day, students will observe and discuss clips of professional goaltenders to learn from their successes and their mistakes, advancing their understanding of technical and tactical applications within their own games.
Classroom, Theory and Video sessions are led by GAA’s Lead Instructor, Rick Besharah.
Mental Performance
Led by Ashley Strike MPC, B.H.K., M.H.K., University of Ottawa of Strikeperformance.com, these group sessions will explore and discuss mental skills such as performance anxiety management, arousal control, goal setting, confidence building, imagery, performing planning and self-talk to maximize athlete performance, help athletes establish peak performances, and enhance personal growth.